Welcome to Talent Pros International
Get yourself out there
If you are an entertainer, gamer or athlete we can help you.
With Talent Pros International you can tell the world about yourself by creating a Talent Performance Profile (TPP) in a few simple steps. Get seen, get sponsored!
Find new talent to promote and encourage
We have a growing searchable network of talented individuals at TPI. Each individual will be actively seen by many potential partners over time. After a full review our partners will be able to determine whether or not the ‘talent’ will be contacted for promotion opportunities and other packages. Remember to please make the most of building your profile, and do your best to promote yourself
Our experience
We have been helping talented people achieve success for a number of years as Sports Pros Connect. Sports Pros Connect is a network of over 800 profiles serving sports professionals by giving them a web presence.
Our Talent Performance Profiles (TPP)
Your new TPP is your way to show our partners & brands how talented you really are. Make sure you regularly update your profile with any new and recent achievements.
Add your contact details, social media, banner and profile picture, bio, video, photo gallery and your aims and goals to make your site work for you.
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Latest news
We are delighted to introduce Talent Pros International
We are a Global Recruitment Company specialising in helping talent in sport, esport & entertainm…
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